Livelihood development
Livelihood development
Research and Advocacy
Energy efficiency
Livelihood development
Livelihood development
Research and Advocacy
Energy Access
Energy Access
Livelihood development
Energy Access
Research and Advocacy
Research and Advocacy
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency

General presentations of the project

1)      RISE project handout (English, Lao)

A pamphlet summarizing RISE project objectives, working principles and main achievements


2)      RISE project – objectives and achievements (presentation)

This presentation was prepared for a rural energy and climate workshop organised by Blue Moon Fund and NEXUS in March 2011 in Phnom Penh. It shows the objectives and working approaches of the second phase of RISE project as well as the main achievements.


3)      Generating income with renewable energy – preliminary lessons learned from n innovative public – private partnership in Laos (presentation)

This presentation was prepared for a conference on SMEs in Decentralized Energy Services organised by the World Bank in Phonm Penh in 2009. It shows the working approach during RISE phase 1 as well as the initial achievements after one year.


4)      Profitable and affordable energy services for remote areas in Lao PDR: Private-public partnership (paper, presentation)

This paper was presented at the European Conference on PV-hybrid systems and Mini-grids in Athens in May 2008 by Sunlabob and shows the initial idea behind the start of RISE project.


Training materials and tools to use in villages


1)      Energy efficiency promotion posters (poster in English, poster in Lao)

These posters were developed to raise rural villagers’ awareness on the importance to save energy.   


2)      Promotion of fixed improved cook stoves (Training manual in Lao, Flyer in Lao)

Cooking is one of the main energy needs of rural families and currently it is still done in a traditional and mostly inefficient manner. In collaboration with HELVETAS Vietnam, RISE project has started to pilot the promotion of fixed improved cook stoves which provide interesting food savings. A training manual for masons and flyers to explain to villagers about this technology were developed.


3)      Decentralized energy planning toolkit (manual for field assessor English, manual for field assessor Lao, manual for decision maker English, manual for decision maker Lao, data analysis spread sheet, renewable energy database)

This toolkit was developed to allow rural development practitioners (local authorities, NGOs, etc.) to identify energy needs at village level and to identify the best technical options to satisfy these needs based on the villagers willingness to pay and availability of natural resources to produce energy locally.