Research and Advocacy
Research and Advocacy
Energy Access
Research and Advocacy
Livelihood development
Research and Advocacy
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency
Livelihood development
Energy Access
Livelihood development
Livelihood development
Livelihood development
Energy efficiency
Energy Access

Access to Energy

The main objective under this component is to increase access to clean, affordable and reliable electric and non electric forms of energy. The main tool used to achieve this objective is the decentralized energy planning which allows to identify and prioritize energy needs at community level, assess the availability of natural resources to produce energy and get an idea of the willingness to pay for energy. These different elements are then analyzed to find the best technology option for this particular village. For one need, different options can be proposed, giving to each household the possibility to choose the option that fits more with their needs and willingness to pay. Example, in villages where lighting is an important need and solar is the most suitable resource, different types of solar lights available on the market are brought to the village, for the villagers to field test.

The main technology promoted so far are solar PV (solar home systems, solar lights), improved pico-hydro and micro-hydro.

RISE project believes that access to rural energy in rural areas is a right and that poor communities should not bear all the costs involved. The playing field should be leveled between conventional technologies (e.g. grid extension) and alternatives (e.g. off-grid renewable options). If extending the grid extension heavily subsidized, off-grid options should be subsidized in a similar fashion. Within its budget frame, RISE project is trying to develop a subsidy mechanism that makes renewable off-grid options affordable, although the level of subsidy provided is not close to match that of grid extension.

Communities are expected to contribute a small percentage of the total investment cost. This money is transferred to a Trust Fund managed by HELEVTAS/RISE project. The money in the Trust Fund is used to support the initial investment costs of renewable energy technologies in remote areas.

Another important feature is the heavy involvement of communities, from the need identification and technology selection to the operation and maintenance of the technology. RISE project acts as interface between the community and the technology suppliers. Emphasis is put on training local technicians on how to perform basic maintenance, repairs and trouble shooting and on making sure that the technology supplier can be reached at all time to support the villagers and supply spare parts at affordable cost. Furthermore, monthly fees for the utilization of the technology are defined together with the villagers; this money stays in the village and is managed by the villagers themselves. These fees are calculated to cover the likely future maintenance and repair costs. This should allow communities to have the required amount of money to replace broken parts in due course.

DEP in a remote village in Nong Het District                          Installation of a solar lantern charging station