Livelihood development
Research and Advocacy
Livelihood development
Energy efficiency
Research and Advocacy
Energy efficiency
Research and Advocacy
Livelihood development
Energy Access
Research and Advocacy
Energy Access
Energy efficiency
Livelihood development
Livelihood development
Energy Access

Project Component 2012

RISE project aims to ensure remote upland communities gain access to clean, affordable, reliable and locally produced modern forms of energy and are using locally available resources including newly available energy to generate income and improve social services while safeguarding the environment.

 Instead of being technology based, RISE project supports communities to identify and prioritise energy needs, to select the most suitable technology adapted to the local context and to develop appropriate management mechanisms, including design of affordable monthly fees, and creation of village organisations in charge of energy. Once a renewable energy technology is installed, RISE project continues to support the communities to ensure that the available energy is used to improve availability of services at village level and/or provides new opportunities for income generation. RISE project also supports communities to satisfy non-energy related needs, e.g. access to water.

The overall goal of the project remains the same as in the pilot phase and is formulated as follows: Contribute to improved livelihoods of upland communities.

The objective of the project is: remote upland communities are getting access to clean, affordable reliable and locally produced modern forms of energy and are using locally available resources including newly available energy to generate income and improve social services while maintaining upland environment
Activities are planned to generate the following outcomes :

  1. Community based efforts lead to improved access to clean, reliable and affordable energy
  2. Livelihood strategies in target areas are improved  based on productive and/or social uses of the newly available energy
  3. The project experience is used to contribute to policy development in the field of renewable energy/rural electrification, share experience and diversify partnerships
  4. Efficient use of electricity is promoted in rural areas of Laos